Encompas Mental Health Wellness Program

Dalton Associates Providing Services to the Ontario Provincial Police Association (OPPA)
Since March 2020
The Encompas program is a one-stop, concierge approach to mental healthcare that provides eligible OPPA, Commissioned Officers Association, and retired members with timely access to confidential, effective and safe mental health support and services that are customized just for them. Every eligible OPPA member that reaches out to Encompas will be provided with support service navigation, advocacy, a tailored Plan of Care, and timely access to mental health services.

Brampton Fire Emergency Services (BFES) Mental Health Access Services

Dalton Associates Providing Services to the City of Brampton Fire & Emergency Services
Since July 2022
The Brampton Fire Emergency Services (BFES) Mental Health Access Services have been developed specifically for First Responders. The program is available for all full-time active employees of the City of Brampton Fire & Emergency Services Department (BFES), including those who may be on leave, and early retirees.